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Datenschutz bei Bewerbungen

Datenschutz bei Bewerbungen und im Bewerbungsverfahren

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  • 1. Name und Kontaktdaten des für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen sowie des betrieblichen Datenschutzbeauftragten
    • Verantwortlicher:
      Braun Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG
      Mönckebergstr. 17
      20095 Hamburg
      Telefon: +49 (0)40 – 33 44 70
      Telefax: +49 (0)40 – 33 44 71 03
      E-Mail: info@braun-hamburg.com

      Der betriebliche Datenschutzbeauftragte ist unter der o.g. Anschrift, z. Hd. des Datenschutzbeauftragten, oder per Email unter datenschutz@braun-hamburg.com erreichbar.

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    • Wenn Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung zukommen lassen, erheben wir folgende Daten:

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      Die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt ausschließlich zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbung auf eine konkrete Stellenausschreibung oder als Initiativbewerbung. Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten zum Zwecke der Beurteilung Ihrer Geeignetheit für die ausgeschriebene Stelle. Rechtsgrundlage der Verarbeitung ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

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*The extra discount on the already reduced price will be applied after entering the code at checkout and cannot be combined with other promotions. Valid for all items in the linked category.

Only For A Limited Time: Extra 20% Off

Shop all sale styles already discounted by 30% and get an additional 20% off in the linked category. Just enter the promo code at checkout.

Shop all sale styles already discounted by 30% and get an additional 20% off in the linked category. Just enter the promo code at checkout.

Jacob Cohen X Histores

Only at BRAUN Hamburg in Germany: The exclusive capsule collection from the denim label Jacob Cohen and the Italian top store association Histores.

Only at BRAUN Hamburg in Germany: The exclusive capsule collection from the denim label Jacob Cohen and the Italian top store association Histores.

Maison Kitsuné x Chimi

The limited F/S 23 collaboration: eyewear label CHIMI from Stockholm and French-Japanese brand MAISON KITSUNÉ fuse their iconic style codes into contemporary sunglasses.

The limited F/S 23 collaboration: eyewear label CHIMI from Stockholm and French-Japanese brand MAISON KITSUNÉ fuse their iconic style codes into contemporary sunglasses.

Original Classic by Car Shoe

For an extra grip: with its characteristic rubber sole with nubs, the moccasin has its origins in motorsport. However, the classic driving shoe works for almost every occasion and is therefore a real all-rounder.

For an extra grip: with its characteristic rubber sole with nubs, the moccasin has its origins in motorsport. However, the classic driving shoe works for almost every occasion and is therefore a real all-rounder.

C.P. Company: The Metropolis Series

Research and development with a futuristic mindset: With the Metropolis Series, C.P. Company is creating innovative sports and outerwear based on the concept of the iconic Metropolis Jacket from 1999.

Research and development with a futuristic mindset: With the Metropolis Series, C.P. Company is creating innovative sports and outerwear based on the concept of the iconic Metropolis Jacket from 1999.

Original Classic: Mackintosh Coats

From rain protection to style statement: Since 1824, the Mackintosh brand represents classic outerwear, to the extent that the abbreviation "mac" is used as a synonym for "rain coat" in Great Britain. To this day, every Mackintosh coat is traditionally crafted in Great Britain to meet the highest standards of a timeless masterpiece.

From rain protection to style statement: Since 1824, the Mackintosh brand represents classic outerwear, to the extent that the abbreviation "mac" is used as a synonym for "rain coat" in Great Britain. To this day, every Mackintosh coat is traditionally crafted in Great Britain to meet the highest standards of a timeless masterpiece.

Jacob Cohen: Limited Edition Jeans

Jacob Cohen has created limited edition jeans styles for denim lovers, which can be identified by the sobriquet "LTD" as well as the numbering on the iconic leather and fur patch.

Jacob Cohen has created limited edition jeans styles for denim lovers, which can be identified by the sobriquet "LTD" as well as the numbering on the iconic leather and fur patch.

Stone Island Stellina

With the clean designs of the 'Stellina' collection, Stone Island focuses entirely on the functionality of the materials. The timeless aesthetic is also reflected in the minimalist 'Stellina' logo.

With the clean designs of the 'Stellina' collection, Stone Island focuses entirely on the functionality of the materials. The timeless aesthetic is also reflected in the minimalist 'Stellina' logo.

Smart Fabrics

Breathable, wind- and water-repellent – with the development of technical, innovative materials such as Gore-Tex or Ripstop, outerwear gains maximum functionality.

Breathable, wind- and water-repellent – with the development of technical, innovative materials such as Gore-Tex or Ripstop, outerwear gains maximum functionality.

New in at BRAUN Hamburg

Discover the latest styles from the current collections. All items at a glance await you in our 'New Arrivals' section.

Discover the latest styles from the current collections. All items at a glance await you in our 'New Arrivals' section.


Discover all the reduced designer collections in our sale section – including styles from past seasons.

Discover all the reduced designer collections in our sale section – including styles from past seasons.

Selected: Personal recommendations from Lars Braun

BRAUN Hamburg CEO Lars Braun personally compiles his favourites of the season for you. Whether exclusive cashmere from his friend and business partner Brunello Cucinelli or perfectly fitting shirts from Borrelli – let yourself be inspired!

BRAUN Hamburg CEO Lars Braun personally compiles his favourites of the season for you. Whether exclusive cashmere from his friend and business partner Brunello Cucinelli or perfectly fitting shirts from Borrelli – let yourself be inspired!

Collections for Kids

Fashionable finesse and childlike ease: the styles of the kids' collections effortlessly combine these elements – and withstand the adventures and discoveries of everyday life thanks to durable materials and high wearing comfort.

Fashionable finesse and childlike ease: the styles of the kids' collections effortlessly combine these elements – and withstand the adventures and discoveries of everyday life thanks to durable materials and high wearing comfort.

BRAUN Hamburg Exclusive: Doucal's

The timeless Capsule Collection was designed exclusively for BRAUN Hamburg and entirely according to the ideas of CEO Lars Braun. With Goodyear-Flex style and fine leather qualities, each of the shoes promises maximum comfort.

The timeless Capsule Collection was designed exclusively for BRAUN Hamburg and entirely according to the ideas of CEO Lars Braun. With Goodyear-Flex style and fine leather qualities, each of the shoes promises maximum comfort.


Each individual piece reflects the handiwork, which expresses the unique combination of craftsmanship, exclusive materials and attention to detail – unique pieces are created that will accompany you for a lifetime.

Each individual piece reflects the handiwork, which expresses the unique combination of craftsmanship, exclusive materials and attention to detail – unique pieces are created that will accompany you for a lifetime.

Attitude Capsule by Lardini

Lardini's Attitude line is all about the avant-garde and self-confident style: dramatic broad lapels, fine velvet and unusual silhouettes epitomize the look of the elegant collection.

Lardini's Attitude line is all about the avant-garde and self-confident style: dramatic broad lapels, fine velvet and unusual silhouettes epitomize the look of the elegant collection.

Kired X Histores

Only at BRAUN Hamburg in Germany: The exclusive capsule collection from the sports and outerwear label Kired and the Italian top store association Histores.

Only at BRAUN Hamburg in Germany: The exclusive capsule collection from the sports and outerwear label Kired and the Italian top store association Histores.

Stone Island Ghost Pieces

Stealth mode: On! The latest Ghost Pieces from Stone Island also deal with the concept of camouflage. The characteristic compass badge becomes one with the garment or accessory – perfect for those who like it subtle.

Stealth mode: On! The latest Ghost Pieces from Stone Island also deal with the concept of camouflage. The characteristic compass badge becomes one with the garment or accessory – perfect for those who like it subtle.

Stone Island Marina

This season, Stone Island's 'Marina' collection, inspired by the sea and the nautical world, has a classic interpretation in the colours white and navy. Innovative materials and the striking 'Marina' logo, which adorns all styles, continue to characterise the style of the maritime capsule.

This season, Stone Island's 'Marina' collection, inspired by the sea and the nautical world, has a classic interpretation in the colours white and navy. Innovative materials and the striking 'Marina' logo, which adorns all styles, continue to characterise the style of the maritime capsule.

Stone Island Exclusively for BRAUN Hamburg

On the occasion of our 90th anniversary, the sports and outerwear brand Stone Island has designed a jumper made of pure cashmere in two different colours exclusively for BRAUN Hamburg. You can buy this strictly limited jumper exclusively from us.

On the occasion of our 90th anniversary, the sports and outerwear brand Stone Island has designed a jumper made of pure cashmere in two different colours exclusively for BRAUN Hamburg. You can buy this strictly limited jumper exclusively from us.

New Season

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

New Season

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

Boglioli x Histores

Only available outside of Italy at BRAUN Hamburg: the exclusive capsule collection from the traditional Lombardy house Boglioli and the top store association Histores.

Only available outside of Italy at BRAUN Hamburg: the exclusive capsule collection from the traditional Lombardy house Boglioli and the top store association Histores.

Stone Island Closed Loop Project

For a sustainable cycle in the fashion world: with the Stone Island Closed Loop Project, recycled cotton remnants from the company's own production chain are turned into new, limited-edition styles that are dyed with natural mineral colours.

For a sustainable cycle in the fashion world: with the Stone Island Closed Loop Project, recycled cotton remnants from the company's own production chain are turned into new, limited-edition styles that are dyed with natural mineral colours.


100 years of Belstaff: The British brand with its roots in motorsport is celebrating its anniversary with a special capsule collection.

100 years of Belstaff: The British brand with its roots in motorsport is celebrating its anniversary with a special capsule collection.

Exclusively at BRAUN Hamburg

The private label Hindustrie of the Italian retailer association Histores, of which BRAUN Hamburg is the only retailer outside Italy, offers timeless casual wear with the 'Made in Italy' seal of quality. Discover the collection exclusively with us.

The private label Hindustrie of the Italian retailer association Histores, of which BRAUN Hamburg is the only retailer outside Italy, offers timeless casual wear with the 'Made in Italy' seal of quality. Discover the collection exclusively with us.

Challenger Collection

On the occasion of the 37th America's Cup, the most prestigious sailing regatta in the world, Belstaff is outfitting the British INEOS Britannia team, including the successful Olympic sailor Sir Ben Ainslie. All items in the collection are inspired by sailing and feature a logo combination of both icons.

On the occasion of the 37th America's Cup, the most prestigious sailing regatta in the world, Belstaff is outfitting the British INEOS Britannia team, including the successful Olympic sailor Sir Ben Ainslie. All items in the collection are inspired by sailing and feature a logo combination of both icons.

Jacob Cohen: Grand Tour Capsule

In the new season, Jacob Cohen once again follows in the footsteps of the Grand Tour. This educational journey, popular with elite Europeans in the late 17th century, leads through Italy as well as to the capital cities Paris and Vienna. Sights such as the Vienna Prater and Notre Dame or Gustav Klimt's work of art "The Tree of Life" become the patch and button motif for the brand's iconic jeans styles in this limited edition collection from Jacob Cohen.

In the new season, Jacob Cohen once again follows in the footsteps of the Grand Tour. This educational journey, popular with elite Europeans in the late 17th century, leads through Italy as well as to the capital cities Paris and Vienna. Sights such as the Vienna Prater and Notre Dame or Gustav Klimt's work of art "The Tree of Life" become the patch and button motif for the brand's iconic jeans styles in this limited edition collection from Jacob Cohen.

New In: Brunello Cucinelli Winter Edit Capsule

As one of only ten retailers worldwide, BRAUN Hamburg invites you to discover the exclusive winter capsule collection of the traditional Italian company, which includes true classics in timelessly elegant colours.

As one of only ten retailers worldwide, BRAUN Hamburg invites you to discover the exclusive winter capsule collection of the traditional Italian company, which includes true classics in timelessly elegant colours.

Cashmere Sale

Discover timeless VON BRAUN knitwear and accessories made from precious cashmere and merino wool with up to 50% off in our Cashmere Sale.

Discover timeless VON BRAUN knitwear and accessories made from precious cashmere and merino wool with up to 50% off in our Cashmere Sale.

New Season

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

Discover the latest styles from our designers' spring/summer collections.

007 Golden Year Capsule Collection

This collection by Orlebar Brown was created to mark the anniversary of the two legendary James Bond films 'Goldfinger' (1964) and 'The Man with the Golden Gun' (1974): With casual styles such as swim shorts and polo shirts, the label celebrates iconic looks and reinvents them in its own modern way.

This collection by Orlebar Brown was created to mark the anniversary of the two legendary James Bond films 'Goldfinger' (1964) and 'The Man with the Golden Gun' (1974): With casual styles such as swim shorts and polo shirts, the label celebrates iconic looks and reinvents them in its own modern way.